But that's not all...
Smart Job Application Organizer
But that's not all...
Here artificial inteligence comes to help you. You must have lots of different experiences. Like desiging and photo shooting. When you apply for a company where they need a designer you should not talk a lot about your photo shooting skills. Similarly when they are looking for someone who shoots photos you should sammarize your desigining skills and allocate space in your resume to your photo shooting experties. This makes resume writing a painful and time consuming job while you are on your savings and you have limited time. I fully understand this. So here's the solution:
You give the software all your skills and experiences and based on each job, you select those which are relevant by just clicking them and you export the resume with 1 click!
It contains all you need when you are looking for a job... Good luck!
Once upon a time I was looking for a job and had limited time. I applied a lot by simply sending the same resume to everyone and received no calls at all until I found that I need to make specially summarized resumes for each job I apply. I found it time consuming to write a resume per each job application so I wrote this software, started to generate resume files with it and voila! Found a job within 2 weeks. After that I shared the software online to help others.
If you found the software helpful, of course you can make some
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Thousands of people have downloaded this software so far and I'm proud of that.